There are many interesting places to visit on the East Coast of the U.S. Cities such as New York and Philadelphia have many historic landmarks like Independence Hall or the Statue of Liberty. However, there is a lesser known location in Virginia known as America’s Historic Triangle. It is named so since there are three sites with major historical significance that are all located within the same region. These sites include Williamsburg, Yorktown, and Jamestown with each of their respective museums providing a special glimpse into an aspect of the history of the United States.
The settlement of Jamestown is often known as the beginning of U.S. history. There, you will find artifacts that teach many things about the natives, the colonists, and the African American slaves who were brought over later in the settlement’s history. You will also be able to visit the recreations of a Native American village, the Jamestown fort, and the ships the colonists traveled in. All provide a unique insight into the lives of these people from the past. Inside the fort, you can even try on the steel helmets the colonists wore!
Yorktown is well known among Americans. It is the battlefield where the Continental Army under George Washington, along with their French allies on land and sea, besieged and defeated the British army under Cornwallis at Yorktown. The battle ended the American Revolution when Parliament was compelled to make peace. With its own presentation of artifacts, the museum also has the recreation of a military encampment. You can learn more about the daily lives of soldiers including where they ate, slept, and were medically treated. There is also a very interesting demonstration of how a flintlock rifle works.
Unlike the previous two locations, Williamsburg is still a modern city today. But, it still holds many relics of the past. For one, its university, William & Mary, is the second-oldest institution of education in America right behind Harvard University. I visited the campus and the old appearances of the buildings in the university may look deceiving at first. But, once inside, you will see that they are still built with modern designs. This blending of modern technology with historical looks makes for an interesting surprise. There are also museums that go more into the history of this colonial town which can make it a joy to visit.

- Antonin Ducroux - USA (East Coast)