Ice hockey, an internationally recognized game, has paved its way into the world of sports for centuries and is one that symbolizes Canada as a country. Canada is often considered the birthplace of this well-loved sport as it is home to a strong community of fans and supporters. The atmosphere at a Canadian ice hockey match is beyond compare and many try to show their support every single game by buying annual season tickets. Similar in gameplay, hockey is said to have been inspired from the lacrosse-like stick and ball game that was originated by the Mi'kmaq indigenous people of the Maritimes provinces of Canada. The term hockey itself is derived from the French word ‘hoquet’ which is a shepherd's stick, a piece of equipment that was used in a Scottish game during the 18th century.
The origins to hockey have been debated for decades, however, in 2008, the International Ice Hockey Federation officially announced that the first game of true hockey was played in Montreal in 1875. Other research has revealed that hockey had been played on skates in England and many of the rules were published during this time. Despite this, Canadian rules had a significant role in contributing to the development of the modern game that is known today. The earliest evidence for ice hockey in Canada was recorded in the books by British officers, who brought the sport with them when they landed in the area. For instance, in 2002, researchers uncovered two letters written by Sir John Franklin himself (1825) during one of his many attempts to discover the Northwest Passage. In both his letters, Franklin mentioned hockey being played on ice but did not specify that the game was played on skates. Additionally, there is also evidence that in 1839, ice hockey was being played by British soldiers located in the Chippewa Creek of the Niagara region. Sir Richard George Augustus Levinge, a lieutenant of an infantry unit stationed in Niagara, wrote in one of his memoirs, “Large parties contested games of hockey on the ice, some forty or fifty being ranged on each side.” In his writing, he mentions the use of skates as a part of the game, which was early evidence that hockey was played on ice.
Hockey has made its name in Canada and elsewhere much like how cricket and football are played as a favourite pastime. After generations of changes, it has become quite popular internationally and is even a commonly watched Olympic sport. Since hockey has its origins in a country that is multicultural in nature, cultures, and languages, hockey is seen as a unifying force that ultimately brings our people together. It certainly is an integral part of Canadian identity and has heavily influenced Canadian culture. All of the influences from different versions of hockey combined to shape the contemporary form of Canadian ice hockey, which was first played indoors in Montreal during 1875. Annual ice hockey championships originated in the 1880s and the Stanley Cup, the oldest and most prized trophy award in North American sports, was awarded to top ice hockey teams. The most important of these is a major professional league till this day in North America as well as the rest of the world, is Canada’s National Hockey League.
Most forms of Canadian Ice Hockey are played following the current rules established by the NHL. The game is played on a 200x85 feet rink shaped like a rounded rectangle; there are three sections on the rink – the neutral zone in the middle where the game starts, as well the attacking and defending zones on both sides of the neutral zone. The goals used are 4x6 feet in size and can be scored on when a shot passes the wide striped goal line on the ice before the goal cage. On the rink, two teams on skates with hockey sticks aim a rubber puck into the net of the opposing team by passing it between players. One game consists of three 20-minute periods, and at the end of the game the team with the most goals wins. If there is a draw, the game goes into overtime and the first team to score a goal wins. The game is often violent because the players are capable of preventing their opposing players from scoring goals with physical force, therefore protective equipment and padding are required.
While this sport has its origins as a male sport, women have been playing hockey in Canada for decades. In 1892, the first all female ice hockey team was played and 1990 was when the first world championship for women was played. Currently, female hockey is considered an Olympic sport and it has its own separate league known as the Canadian Women’s Hockey League where females play competitively at the international and national level. From the significance of the sport to the fascinating history, hockey is an internationally acclaimed sport making it one of the most important parts of being a Canadian.
- Amberle Lim - Canada

Team Canada preparing for their game before playing at the World Juniors