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Fiona Schmitz- Germany

Hi! With the topic of folklore songs, I need to seperate my text a little bit, because the kind of folklore songs you know or hear depend on where you live.

In the north of Germany, where I live, most of our songs are about the sea. That's because we live directly on the sea and most people go there to fish and or participate in watersport activities. Our songs are in “Plattdeutsch” which is a dialect of German. One of the most known people in northern folklore music is Hannes Wader. He taught old folklore songs and about how they came because of the second world war.

It is a little bit different in the south of Germany. In general, the south loves their traditions and wants to keep them. Other examples would be the “Oktoberfest” or the traditional clothing, “Dirndl und Lederhosen”. Both of these are connected to each other and are a time where you eat a lot of traditional food. Going back to the subject of songs, one of the most known would be “Jodeln”. It is likely that you have heard about it as it's also a part of some country songs. They also sing these songs with their dialect.

As you can see, the traditional songs are quite hard to understand and even I, as a native speaker, have problems understanding them. For me, it’s easier to understand the songs from the north because I am from there, though I probably could understand the songs from the south, it would take more concentration as the dialect is very different from the one that I speak.

-Fiona Schmitz-Germany



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