The Canadian education system is one of the most recognized worldwide for its quality and competitiveness. As a student currently in high school, I can speak for the many and say that it is an excellent system that has fostered my sense of identity and passion altogether. Education in the many provinces and territories in Canada is distinct and is developed according to the chosen system in each individual region. While there are many commonalities between the provinces, general education about Canadian history is taught to all students. There are four main levels of education in Canada including elementary, middle school, high school and university (post-secondary education). Each of these are separated by specific grades where elementary is considered pre-kindergarten to Grade 6. Middle school consists of Grade 7 to 9, where students graduate around the age of 15. High school is another three years of Grade 10 to 12, as many students are near the age of 18 when they finally finish their education here. The next step is post-secondary, which can include a university of choice or even apprenticeship training is another route to choose from. Needless to say, the education system here offers a multitude of choices for one to pick from and allows students to tailor their education career to what they desire.
I am currently in my second to last year of high school and am finishing off the school year! Our school days consist of 4 blocks and runs usually from 9 am to 3:30 pm five days a week. High school is certainly a different experience from middle school because students are given the opportunity to begin designing their career paths from the courses they choose to enroll in. A main difference is that I am not required to take all the core subjects, except for English and Social Studies in order to graduate. This has given me the freedom to choose and explore courses that will benefit me in the future. Although the school year is coming to an end, my schedule this year was definitely competitive and difficult. I had 6 main subjects taken at the Grade 11 level: AP Physics, AP Math, AP Biology, Chemistry, Mandarin and Social Studies. Each of the Advanced Placement courses taken were similar courses to those that many students in the United States have the opportunity to be enrolled in. These vigorous programs give students like me the opportunity to be exposed to more advanced level education in preparation for our university applications. As well, taking the AP tests during May can award students with scholarships and college credits as we move closer towards post secondary. I have had a pleasure being in those classes and having the opportunity to learn these curriculums have not only challenged me academically, but helped me discover what I am most passionate about.
Aside from academics, extracurricular activities are an important part of the complete high school experience. Here, students are encouraged to participate in sports teams and in school activities such as clubs and fundraisers. At my school, I had the opportunity to play on our Senior Girls Field Hockey team for the season and have found true passion for this game. Additionally, I am an avid member of our school’s Student Council, Sports Meds Trainees and Model UN Club. While academics has always been my main focus, I have realized that grades are only one part of high school, but involvement makes a large part of the experience you leave with. I am glad that I will be moving into my senior year by next semester and am thrilled to be a part of my school community!
- Amberle Lim - Canada